
Great Oak is located at 500 Little Lake Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. The phone number for the common house is (734) 929-6565.

Detailed bicycle, bus/public transit (also see the Scio connector schedule (WAVE) for weekday bus from the AATA route #9 stop) or driving directions (click on the yellow icon in the middle of the map and then click on “Directions”) and a map of our campus with buildings with unit numbers and on-street parking labelled in blue along Little Lake Drive:

  • Directions to Parkland Plaza
    • From the east (I-94): Take I-94 west to the Jackson Road exit. Turn left onto Jackson. Pass Wagner. Take the 4th left after Wagner (Ann Arbor Auto Mall on the right) onto Parkland Plaza.
    • From the west (I-94): Take I-94 east to the Zeeb Road (#169) exit. Turn right on Zeeb. You can’t make a left onto Jackson directly, so must go right on Jackson and immediately get in left lane to take the U turn. Take Jackson past Zeeb, going about 1.5 miles. Turn right onto Parkland Plaza.
  • Once on Parkland Plaza, pass Park Road (dirt) on the right. Take a right onto Little Lake Drive. Follow it as it curves around to the left past Sunward (looks like condominiums). Great Oak is on the right, past the pond and immediately before the road ends. There are actually two communities right next to each other — Great Oak is the first one after the pond, and Touchstone is just to the south of us. After you turn into the drive for the two communities, take the first right, then go left and follow the drive as it curves to the right to end up at the common house.

A more detailed, printable map, is available: great-oak-directions.pdf


Visitors are encouraged to park along Little Lake Drive, but may also park in any parking spot that is not marked for the disabled or as reserved. Please do not park in front of the barricades. Cars and trucks are only permitted inside the community (past the barricades) for delivery of large/heavy items. Otherwise, schlepping carts are located in sheds on either end of the common house.