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- Interesting conversations on walks
- Walk outside and find people to chat with
- Relationships and support, community that goes out of their way to include everyone
- I really like the intergenerational nature of our community, so glad we have a variety of neighbors ranging from seniors to little kids.
- I appreciate that its like living in a little village where we know eachother quite intimately, and because of the nature of our organization and values agreements and practice at consensus we actually have some skill at being a little village which is very helpful for difficult times
- One of my favorite things is to experience diverse ways of looking at life, these all enrich my own life. I love to hear neighbors thoughts, over the long term.
- People to play ping pong with!
- How we’ve learned over the years how to talk about hard topics and stay caring and respectful
- To be in community and incredible support during crazy times has made me appreciate this all the more, feels so much safer and more possible to move through these crises when we figure it out together
- Grateful that when we’re in need, neighbors step up and help each other.
- Seems like karma all happens at once, I put something into the system and very soon after someone else steps in and offers their helping hand. Ideas build and the next person adds on top of that help until it turns into a social get-together while looking out for each other.
- I love the sense of safety in place, many different people’s eyes watching, and a real caring for other people, sense of being held by the many different people in the community.
- Wonderful as parents of kids here that they can go out and play and find buddies. And if they’re having a problem and I don’t know about it usually another parent will let me know.
- Raising kids in cohousing has been awesome. And people’s generosity, for example showing up with a generator at your front door during a power outage.
- I love Common meals
- Resource sharing is great
- You can be summering out of town and when you’re about to lose all your food at home due to a power outage if you make enough phone calls your food can be saved! So grateful
- Access to nature
- Having all the green outside my window and being on the wetlands and not in a city
- During pandemic when I got to work at home, I realize how connected I felt to the land here. I walk the dog several times a day and loved being here in the natural space and interacting with people especially kids.
- Sense of life integration – work, play, friends in the same place
- Cohousing is a great place for families to raise kids.